Mustard is a vital oilseed crop in India, extensively cultivated across states like Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. It thrives in the Rabi season, requiring a cool climate and well-drained loamy soils for optimal growth. Renowned for its high oil content, mustard seeds are a primary source of edible oil in Indian households and contribute significantly to the country's agricultural economy. India stands as the second-largest producer of mustard globally, supporting the demand for healthy cooking oils and biofuel production. Additionally, mustard cultivation promotes biodiversity by attracting pollinators like bees, enhancing crop productivity and ecological balance.
Effective management of diseases and pests is crucial for improving the health and yield of mustard crops. Below is a detailed description of the most common diseases and pests, their symptoms, and management practices.
Diseases of Mustard Crop (सरसों की फसल में रोग)

1. Alternaria Blight (Alternaria brassicae, A. brassicicola) - ऐल्टरनेरिया ब्लाइट
- Symptoms (लक्षण):
- Circular dark brown spots with concentric rings on leaves, stems, and pods.
- Premature leaf shedding and reduced pod formation.
- Management (प्रबंधन):
- Use resistant varieties like RH-30 or Pusa Bold.
- Treat seeds with Carbendazim or Mancozeb (2-3 g/kg).
- Spray Mancozeb (2.5 g/L) or Chlorothalonil (2 g/L) at 10-15 day intervals.

2. White Rust (Albugo candida) - सफेद रतुआ
- Symptoms (लक्षण):
- White pustules on leaves and stems.
- Distorted leaves and reduced seed production.
- Management (प्रबंधन):
- Use resistant varieties like RH-781 or Maya.
- Spray Metalaxyl or Mancozeb (0.25%) every 15 days during wet conditions.
3. Downy Mildew (Peronospora parasitica) - डाउनी मिल्ड्यू
- Symptoms (लक्षण):
- Yellow patches on upper leaf surfaces.
- White fungal growth on the undersides of leaves.
- Management (प्रबंधन):
- Use certified, disease-free seeds.
- Spray Metalaxyl (0.25%) or Dimethomorph (0.2%) at early disease stages.
4. Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe cruciferarum) - पाउडरी मिल्ड्यू
- Symptoms (लक्षण):
- White powdery fungal growth on leaves, stems, and pods.
- Management (प्रबंधन):
- Spray Sulphur (2 g/L) or Tridemorph (1 ml/L) at the first sign of symptoms.
- Avoid late sowing.
5. Sclerotinia Stem Rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) - स्क्लेरोटिनिया तना सड़न
- Symptoms (लक्षण):
- Water-soaked lesions on stems, which turn brown and hollow over time.
- Management (प्रबंधन):
- Practice crop rotation with non-host crops.
- Remove and destroy infected plant debris.
- Spray Carbendazim or Thiophanate-methyl (0.1%) during flowering.
Pests of Mustard Crop (सरसों की फसल में कीट)

1. Mustard Aphid (Lipaphis erysimi) - सरसों का माहू
- Symptoms (लक्षण):
- Aphids suck sap from leaves, stems, and pods, causing stunted growth and reduced seed yield.
- Management (प्रबंधन):
- Spray Imidacloprid (0.03%) or Thiamethoxam (0.025%) when aphids are first observed.
- Use neem-based sprays like Neem Oil (5%).
2. Painted Bug (Bagrada hilaris) - चित्रित बग
- Symptoms (लक्षण):
- Bugs feed on young plants, causing wilting and reduced seed formation.
- Management (प्रबंधन):
- Dust the crop with Malathion (5%) or spray Chlorpyrifos (0.05%).
- Handpick and destroy the bugs in early stages.

3. Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella) - डायमंडबैक पतंगा
- Symptoms (लक्षण):
- Larvae feed on leaves, leaving a skeletonized appearance.
- Management (प्रबंधन):
- Use Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) sprays for biological control.
- Apply Spinosad (0.02%) or Emamectin Benzoate (0.01%)
4. Cabbage Butterfly (Pieris brassicae) - पत्तागोभी तितली
- Symptoms (लक्षण):
- Caterpillars feed on leaves, leading to defoliation.
- Management (प्रबंधन):
- Collect and destroy larvae manually.
- Spray Chlorpyrifos (0.05%) or Fenvalerate (0.02%).
Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM) in Mustard
1. Crop Rotation: Rotate mustard with non-host crops like cereals to reduce disease and pest buildup.
2. Resistant Varieties: Use resistant or tolerant varieties to minimize risks.
3. Cultural Practices: Maintain proper spacing, timely sowing, and optimal fertilizer application.
4. Biological Control: Use natural predators like ladybird beetles (for aphids) and biological agents like Trichoderma (for soil-borne diseases).
5. Chemical Control: Apply fungicides or pesticides judiciously, based on field monitoring.
6. Field Hygiene: Remove and destroy infected plant residues and weeds that may host pests or pathogens.