Our Founder

SVHSPL came into existence in 1991 with the mandate to provide quality seed, a vital input of agriculture, to the farming sector coupled to make available the seed of varieties as well as hybrids suited to varied agro-climatic conditions of India.

The spectacular growth of the company in the last 32 years has solely been due to the broad vision, dynamism and idealism of its founder Chairman Sh. Ram Kumar Arya.

He has profound knowledge and experience about agriculture which helped him to understand the real needs of the farming community and thus, modelled the research and seed production programme accordingly. The scientific skills and cordial behaviour of Sh. Ved Parkash Arya, Managing Director helped the researchers to shape their research activities for developing high-yielding and disease-resistant varieties/hybrids suitable to various agro-ecological zones of the country. We feel proud to mention here that SVHSPL is the first private seed company of North India to get Research and Development certification from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India in 2001.

Sh. Ram Kumar Arya

Pusa Dward (Papaya) plantation: March 1987 Pusa Dward (Papaya) plantation: March 1987
Stall at CCS HAU, Hisar as a Progressive Farmer, March 1987 Stall at CCS HAU, Hisar as a Progressive Farmer, March 1987
HS-6 American Cotton Seed (CCS HAU) Doctor Visit, July 1992 HS-6 American Cotton Seed (CCS HAU) Doctor Visit, July 1992
HS-6 American Cotton Seed (CCS HAU) Doctor Visit, July 1992 HS-6 American Cotton Seed (CCS HAU) Doctor Visit, July 1992